Τροφική Δυσανεξία (Ερευνες και μελέτες)

(Επιστημονικές έρευνες και μελέτες από ειδικούς για την Τροφική Δυσανεξία?)

Is the problem on the plate or in the mind?

“A postal survey was carried out with 5286 subjects reporting a wide range of chronic medical conditions, who had taken a food-specific IgG (ELISA) blood test. Questionnaires, issued three months after the results, were analyzed to investigate the effect of eliminating the foods identified by the test.

75.8% of patients who rigorously followed the diet had a noticeable improvement in their condition.

68.2% of patients who benefited from following the recommendations felt the benefit within three weeks.

81.5% of those that dieted rigorously and reported three or more co-morbidities showed noticeable improvement in their condition.

92.3% noticed a return of symptoms on reintroduction of the offending foods.These data provide evidence for the use of elimination diet based on food-specific IgG blood test results as an aid to management of the symptoms of a range of chronic medical conditions”.

The analysis and reporting of the data was carried out at the University of York Commissioned by Allergy UK (British Allergy Foundation)

Muriel Simmons, Chief Executive of British Allergy Foundation

“We funded research by York University which looked at 5,000 people who did IgG tests – 70 per cent were still experiencing benefits after a year of excluding their “allergic” foods. We’re impressed with this test”.

“A very high percentage of people suffer from food intolerance, which provides a very wide range of symptoms and often causes problems for many years. As a result of the number of people contacting us with these problems, we decided to commission a review (audit) of the evidence that the IgG tests conducted by York Nutritional Laboratories assisted people in identifying the foods causing their problems. The results of this audit made it very clear that if the foods identified were eliminated from the diet, tremendous benefits were achieved. The evidence for this food intolerance test is simply too strong to ignore”.

“Role for food-specific IgG based elimination diets”

“This review is unique in showing that the strategy for elimination diet based on food-specific IgG can give those with chronic symptoms a route map to enable them to manage their diet and reduce their symptoms. The fact individuals saw a return of symptoms on reintroduction of culprit foods identified by the tests further supports the evidence that this is an active and specific approach”.

Dr. Gillian Hart, BSc (Hons), PhD, Cert Mgmt (Open), AIBMS Nutrition and Food Science Journal

Patrick Holford, Nutritionist and founder of the Institute for Optimum-Nutrition

“This is one of the most reliable tests for food intolerance. It directly measures molecules that the body makes to fight invaders – but in this case, the body mistakes foods as a harmful invader. The results from this type of test can usually be accurately reproduced”.

“Food Intolerance and its impact on chronic disease”

“It is becoming increasingly evident that there is a great deal of positive benefit to growing numbers of patients who are reporting often quite outstanding improvements to their health by the simple elimination of certain foods from their normal eating pattern. Indeed many patients reported having had their illnesses all their lives – and then went on to find relief within weeks.

Using the Genesis Diagnostics 93 Food IgG kit, YNL undertook a study of the patients with long-term illnesses to investigate the impact of food intolerance on the chronically unwell. It was conducted with the assistance of the Department of Health Studies, University of York.

The results show that a relationship may exist between chronic illnesses and commonly eaten foods.”

Dr. Mike C. Matthews, MB, Bsc.

“Food elimination based on IgG antibodies in irritable bowel syndrome: a randomized controlled trial”

«Patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) often feel they have some form of dietary intolerance and frequently try exclusion diets. Tests attempting to predict food sensitivity in IBS have been disappointing but none has utilized IgG antibodies.

To assess the therapeutic potential of dietary elimination based on the presence of IgG antibodies to food, a total of 150 outpatients with IBS were randomized to receive, for three months, either a diet excluding all foods to which they had raised IgG antibodies (ELISA test) or a sham diet excluding the same number of foods but not those to which they had antibodies.

After 12 weeks, the true diet resulted in a 10% greater reduction in symptom score than the sham diet with this value increasing to 26% in fully compliant patients. Global rating also significantly improved in the true diet group as a whole and even more in compliant patients. All other outcomes showed trends favoring the true diet. Relaxing the diet led to a 24% greater deterioration in symptoms in those on the true diet.

Food elimination based on IgG antibodies may be effective in reducing IBS symptoms and is worthy of further biomedical research.

Dr. P.J. Whorwell, Gastroenterologist, University Hospital of South Manchester

“Food allergy in irritable bowel syndrome: new facts and old fallacies”

“The notion of food allergy in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is not new. However, recent evidence suggests significant reduction in IBS symptom severity in patients on elimination diets, provided that dietary elimination is based on foods against which the individual had raised IgG antibodies. These findings should encourage studies dissecting the mechanisms responsible for IgG production against dietary antigens and their putative role in IBS”.

Department of Paediatrics, Turku University, Finland

“Food elimination diet based on York Nutritional Laboratory’s Food Intolerance testing, proven to reduce symptoms of IBS.”

“This double blind, placebo controlled randomized trial of 150 patients suffering from IBS showed significant improvements for those who followed the dietary recommendations compared to those people who followed a sham diet. People, who acted upon the test results, significantly benefited.

It proves that food elimination can improve symptoms of IBS”.

Professor Trevor Sheldon, Department of Health Sciences, University of York

This is the first time a commercially available blood test for food intolerance has been subjected to scientific scrutiny in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. In a controlled trial, patients eliminating foods to which they had antibodies as determined by Yorktest Laboratories experienced a significant improvement in their symptoms, providing evidence that this approach may be very valuable in treating this condition.”

Dr. P.J. Whorwell, Gastroenterologist, University Hospital of South Manchester

“IgG-Mediated Food Intolerance in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Real Phenomenon or an Epiphenomenon?”

“Abnormal reactions to food probably contribute to the complex pathophysiology of irritable bowel syndrome, but the mechanisms involved remain unclear. Following the recent identification of subtle mucosal inflammation in at least some patients with the disorder, perhaps now is the time to revisit some of the immunological reactions to dietary antigens that, in the past, have been dismissed as irrelevant”.

University College Cork, National University of Ireland

“Dietary Treatment of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome”

“Most patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders report that food ingestion appears to exacerbate their symptoms and consequently conclude that they have some form of gastrointestinal food allergy or intolerance. Dietary management of functional gastrointestinal conditions is an attractive therapeutic option for the patient and physician alike because it is safe and economical and empowers the patient to help themselves. However, in practice, dietary manipulation frequently yields rather disappointing results. Exclusion diets can be helpful, but are labor intensive and occasionally can be very restrictive.

Laboratory testing for immunoglobulin E food antibodies usually is not helpful, except in a small subgroup of patients with diarrhea, predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and atopy. There is some preliminary evidence to suggest that elimination diets based on immunoglobulin G food antibody testing may possibly have therapeutic potential in IBS”.

Education and Research Centre, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, UK

“Food intolerance and the irritable bowel syndrome”

“Two hundred patients (156 women) with the irritable bowel syndrome were treated with dietary exclusion for three weeks. Of the 189 who completed this study, 91 (48.2%) showed symptomatic improvement. Subsequent challenge with individual foods showed that 73 of these 91 responders were able to identify one or more food intolerances and 72 remained well on a modified diet during the follow up period. Of the 98 patients who showed no symptomatic improvement after three weeks of strict exclusion only three were symptomatically well at follow up. There was no close correlation between response and symptom complex. There was a wide range of food intolerance. The majority (50%) identified two to five foods which upset them. The foods most commonly incriminated were dairy products (40.7%) and grains (39.4%)”.

Gastroenterology Unit, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, UK

Serological investigation of IgG and IgE antibodies against food antigens in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

“CD patients have a higher prevalence of food-specific IgG antibodies than UC patients and HCs. IBD patients are prone to rice, corn, tomato and soybean intolerance. Smoking may be a risk factor in the occurrence of food-specific IgG antibodies. Food-specific IgG antibodies may be a potential method in the diagnosis and management of food intolerance in IBD.”

Food-specific IgGs Are Highly Increased in the Sera of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Are Clinically Relevant to the Pathogenesis.

“Conclusion Food-specific IgGs against egg, milk, wheat, corn, rice, tomato, codfish, and soybean are highly increased in the sera of CD patients. IFX treatment was able to down-regulate the levels of food-specific IgGs by suppressing intestinal inflammation and promoting mucosal healing. Therefore, food-specific IgGs may serve as an important approach in the diagnosis and management of food allergy in IBD.”

“A Prospective Audit of Food Intolerance among Migraine Patients in Primary Care Clinical Practice”

“This prospective audit was set up to investigate if migraine sufferers have evidence of IgG-based food intolerances and whether their condition can be improved by the withdrawal from the diet of specific foods identified by intolerance testing.

A marked proportion of the migraine patients benefited from the dietary intervention, approximately 30% and 40% reporting considerable benefit at 1 and 2 months, respectively. Over 60% of patients who reintroduced the suspect foods back into their diets reported the return of their migraine symptoms. This investigation demonstrated that food intolerances mediated via IgG may play a part in the development of migraine attacks and that changing the diet to eradicate specific foods is a potentially effective treatment for migraine”.

King’s College Hospital & Migraine Action Association Headache Services

“An appetite for migraine?

“Food avoidance may be a better way forward than responding with medication, which only ameliorates the problem, and it may turn out that the cost of a test is well worth it to the NHS in the long term.”

“The fact that something is not at the forefront of medical science now does not mean it isn’t important – it may just mean we haven’t noticed it yet.”

Dr. Andrew Dowson, Director of Headache Services, King’s College Hospital, London and chairman of Migraine in Primary Care Advisers.

Diet restriction in migraine, based on IgG against foods: a clinical double-blind, randomised, cross-over trial.

“This is the first randomised, cross-over study in migraineurs, showing that diet restriction based on IgG antibodies is an effective strategy in reducing the frequency of migraine attacks.”

The Clinical Use of IgG Food Sensitivity Testing with Migraine Headache Patients: a Literature Review.

“IgG food sensitivity testing may prove to be a beneficial tool for healthcare practitioners, especially for patients experiencing migraine headache symptoms. Utilizing IgG food sensitivity testing to create customizable dietary recommendations for patients may allow healthcare providers to treat migraine headaches without the use of medications.”

Diet and Headache

“Certain foods, beverages, and ingredients within foods may trigger attacks of headache and/or migraine in susceptible individuals. Elimination diets can prevent headaches in subgroups of persons with headache disorders.”

“Food allergy and infantile autism

«We noticed a marked improvement in the behavioral symptoms of patients after a period of 8 weeks on an elimination diet and we found high levels of IgA antigen specific antibodies for casein, lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin and IgG and IgM for casein. The levels of these antibodies were significantly higher than those of a control group which consisted of 20 healthy children. Our results lead us to hypothesize a relationship between food allergy and infantile autism as has already been suggested for other disturbances of the central nervous system».

Department of Pediatrics, University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy

“Food Allergy Assessment in Children in the Autism Spectrum”

“Food allergy testing is controversial. Many allergist/immunologists believe that IgE testing for immediate food hypersensitivity and limited use of skin testing and elimination diets is all that can be done to evaluate food sensitivities. I have found IgG ELISA to be a very useful tool for screening for safe foods, evaluating the overall state of immune activation against foods as reflected in the total number of reactive foods in the panel, and spotting reactive foods. I have conducted two double blind, placebo diet controlled studies validating IgG ELISA by showing a significant difference in symptom reduction in subjects avoiding IgG reactive foods as compared with IgG non-reactive foods. I recommend such testing and, at least, a trial of avoidance of IgG reactive foods for children in guidelines in food elimination”.

Dr. Sidney MacDonald Baker, BetterHealth USA

“A simple blood test can help manage ADHD, middle ear infections and other childhood disorders.”

“Food sensitivity is near the top of the list of considerations a clinician should bear in mind when trying to sort out the problems of a child with attention deficit. The only laboratory test that has proven reliable both clinically and in research studies is the IgG ELISA.”

Dr. Sidney MacDonald Baker:

Some children with autism have intolerances to many foods and/or chemicals, which exacerbates their autistic behavior.”

Brenda O’Reilly, Allergy-Induced Autism Support & Research Network:

Another major study documented the link between Food Allergies and ADHD. The study, analyzed a group of 26 hyperactive children. Dairy products, wheat, corn, yeast, soy, beans, citrus, eggs, chocolate, peanuts and all artificial colors and preservatives were eliminated from the children’s’ diets. These foods are among the most common food allergens. After elimination, 19 of the 26 children (or 73%) improved significantly!”

Dr. Borris and Dr. Mandel, Cornell Medical Center in NY:

“Food Allergy Testing for ADHD and Autism”

“Occasionally, in working up unusual symptom patterns or lack of response to conventional psychiatric and medical treatment, I order various laboratory tests classified under the broad rubric of functional medicine testing. These tests basically examine the body for things, which cannot be determined by conventional testing. One of the most intriguing lines of investigation is for hidden food allergies, technically referred to as IgG food allergies. This is the diagnostic avenue I pursue in evaluating complex cases of ADHD, autism, and pervasive developmental disorders, as well as more perplexing cases in adults where I either can’t explain or can’t treat the condition I am encountering with more conventional approaches.”

Dr. Louis B. Cady, Child, Adolescent, Adult & Forensic Psychiatrist Evansville, Indiana, USA

“IgG4 antibodies in patients with atopic dermatitis”

“The role of IgG4 in atopic dermatitis was investigated by determining the total amounts of IgG4 and of IgG4 specific for ovalbumin, Dermatophagoides farinae mite antigen and house dust and Candida. These were related to the amounts of total and antigen specific IgE in patients with atopic dermatitis and normal healthy controls. Most patients with atopic dermatitis had greater amounts of total IgG4 and of antigen-specific IgG4 than did normal control individuals…

The work of others has confirmed that increased amounts of total and antigen-specific IgG4 occur in atopic dermatitis, and it is concluded that IgG4 is a blocking antibody for anaphylactic sensitization responses”.

Department of Dermatology, Tokyo Medical College, Japan

“Are Your Food Allergies Making You Fat?”

“Today, I’m going to explain how the bugs in your digestive tract and the way they upset your gut’s immune system just might be behind those extra pounds.

I have observed this phenomenon in thousands of patients. And I’ve developed very effective treatments for it, based on understanding the way in which all the body’s systems – the gut, the immune system, toxins, hormones and more – are connected.

The big debate in medicine is which comes first: inflammation or obesity.

I have always believed that we become inflamed first, and gain weight second – which makes us even more inflamed, perpetuating the cycle.

Two groundbreaking medical studies have proven that toxicity and inflammation from food allergies are key underlying causes of obesity and illness; addressing those key causes could help shed pounds.

The first study, published in “Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes” in December 2007, looked at two groups of children. One group was overweight; the second was normal weight. The researchers measured key factors connected to inflammation and found that the overweight children had a 3-fold higher level of CRP (a marker that shows the general level of inflammation in the body) and a 2.5-fold higher level of IgG antibodies (delayed food allergies) to foods. The study suggests these food allergies were a CAUSE of the inflammation and obesity, not a consequence…

The authors of the study go on to say that we should consider elimination of IgG food allergens as a way of treating obesity and preventing heart disease.

That means you don’t limit calories, just allergic foods that cause inflammation.

The other study, published in the July 2007 issue of “Diabetes”, performed a complex but powerful study to tease out which comes first – the chicken or the egg. They found that a high-sugar, high-fat, low-fiber diet – plus drugs like antibiotics, steroids, anti-inflammatories, acid-blockers, and hormones – alters the bacterial ecosystem in the gut, leading to inflammation and a leaky gut that can expose food particles to the immune system. This triggers a system-wide immune response, leading to inflammation all over the body, and producing obesity by increasing insulin resistance…

You don’t have to limit calories, just allergens that cause inflammation.

Discovering that elimination of IgG food allergens is a viable means of treating obesity and preventing heart disease is groundbreaking research that can change how we help people lose weight and get healthy.

Mark Hyman M.D. (UltraWellness)

“IgG antibodies against food antigens are correlated with inflammation and intima media thickness in obese juveniles”.

“Systemic low grade inflammation may contribute to the development of obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerotic vascular disease. Food intolerance reflected by immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies may predispose to low grade inflammation and atherogenesis. We examined the relationship between IgG antibodies specific for food components, low grade inflammation and early atherosclerotic lesions in obese and normal weight juveniles…

We show here, that obese children have significantly higher IgG antibody values directed against food antigens than normal weight children. Anti- food IgG antibodies are tightly associated with low grade systemic inflammation and with the IMT of the common carotid arteries.

These findings raise the possibility, that anti-food IgG is pathogenetically involved in the development of obesity and atherosclerosis”.

Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical University Graz, Austria

“Are you food intolerant?”

“At last, the world is waking up to the idea that there is now proper medical evidence to link food intolerance and serious illness. But why should we be so surprised? Food is the fuel we need to run our lives and if we put in the wrong type, our health is going to suffer. There’s is no doubt as to the links already between food and health – just look at obesity which causes 12,000 – 15,000 new cancers each year – so why shouldn’t what we eat be a big factor in our health further down the illness chain?”

Liz Tucker, BA (Hons) MGCP, Health & wellbeing consultant and author of “Good Health Guide and Understanding Food Intolerance”

IgG Antibodies Against Food Antigens are Correlated with Inflammation and Intima Media Thickness in Obese Juveniles

We show here, that obese children have significantly higher IgG antibody values directed against food antigens than normal weight children. Anti- food IgG antibodies are tightly associated with low grade systemic inflammation and with the IMT of the common carotid arteries. These findings raise the possibility, that anti-food IgG is pathogenetically involved in the development of obesity and atherosclerosis.

Εξετάσεις Ταχείας Ανίχνευσης (Rapid Test)

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Τροφική Δυσανεξία (Food Intolerance)

(Οι απαντήσεις στις ερωτήσεις σας) 1. Τι είναι η Τροφική Δυσανεξία? Τροφική Δυσανεξία (Δυσανεξία = η μη ανεκτικότητα) χαρακτηρίζεται γενικά κάθε ανώμαλη αντίδραση του οργανισμού σε ένα χημικό ή τοξικό ερέθισμα, το οποίο προκαλείται με την κατανάλωση κάποιας τροφής ή...

Τροφική Δυσανεξία (Food Intolerance)

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Knowing your allergies

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Μικροβιολογικός Έλεγχος Νερού

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